AUGUST 8, 2012
A Regular Session Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION was held in the Town Council Chambers, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on August 8, 2012.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Anthony F. Kayser; Chairman;
Peter Bonzani; Vice-Chairman;
John Ryan;
Thomas Fitzgerald; Acting Secretary
Travis Simpson (Alternate)
John Grottole;
Kathleen Salemi; Secretary;
Paul J. Roczynski;
Mary Whaples (Alternate);
Crystal Hernandez (Alternate)
Also Present:
Michael Dayton, Town Planner
Denise Horan, Town Engineer
Chairman Anthony Kayser declared a quorum present. Chairman Kayser stated that would be voting in place of Travis Simpson would be voting in place of John Grottole. Additionally, Chairman Kayser stated that Thomas Fitzgerald would be acting secretary and that the Commission would be voting with five members.
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Design Review Minutes
August 8, 2012
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 400 Main Street, A.K. A. Pratt & Whitney, Construction of a new 6,916 square foot roll off recycling building, parking lot, and associated storm-water drainage.
Applicant: James Kodman
Upon a motion by Pete Bonzani, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted (5-0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following conditions:
- In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
- Final plans are to be signed and stamped by the Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Architect licensed in the state of Connecticut who is responsible for the work.
- Provide separate plans for each application and label them accordingly.
- On sheet 4, provide additional information on the existing storm drainage including top of frame, invert, and pipe slope and diameter information.
- On sheet 4, review and revise the proposed storm drainage as necessary with respect to conflicts with existing utilities.
- On sheet 4, provide more detail on how the existing oil water separator is to be modified or relocated for the proposed facility.
- On sheet 4, remove grade to drain arrows that conflict with the grading plan.
- On sheet 10, revise the details to account for the location of existing underground tanks and pipes/utilities.
- Provide construction details for all proposed site improvements.
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SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION APPLICATION – 400 Main Street, A.K. A. Pratt & Whitney, Construction of a new 6,916 square foot roll off recycling building, parking lot, and associated storm-water drainage.
Applicant: James Kodman
Upon a motion by Pete Bonzani, seconded by Travis Simpson, the Commission Voted
(5-0) to Approve the above Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Application with the following conditions:
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Design Review Minutes
August 8, 2012
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1. Final plans are to be signed and stamped by the Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Architect licensed in the state of Connecticut who is responsible for the work.
2. Provide separate plans for each application and label them accordingly.
3. On the site plan add a note specifying that the plan is drawn to class A-2 accuracy per section 217.3.c of the zoning regulations
4. On sheet 5, add NRCS soil types per section 217.3.c.2 of the zoning regulations.
5. On sheet 5, revise note 8 to reference the 2002 revision of erosion control manual and revise the remainder of the notes to include information specified within section 217.3.d of the zoning regulations.
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SITE PLAN MODIFICATION APPLICATION – 164 School Street, Modification request to relocate previously approved required parking spaces associated with 16,975 square foot addition to an existing manufacturing facility.
Applicant: Corneau Limited Partnership
Upon a motion by Pete Bonzani, seconded by Travis Simpson, the Commission Voted
(5-0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following conditions:
- In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
- Final plans are to be signed and stamped by the Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Architect licensed in the state of Connecticut who is responsible for the work.
3. Provide separate plans for each application and label them accordingly.
4. On the site plan, revise the configuration of the parking lot and curbed islands to revert back to the configuration shown on the plan that was previously approved and also initially submitted with this application. The configuration protected the existing and installed new perimeter trees that are required by the zoning regulations.
5. Provide a site plan approval block on sheet 2 of the plan set.
6. On sheet 5, remove an extraneous line that surrounds the proposed parking area and provide a top of frame elevation for the proposed stormwater quality unit.
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August 8, 2012
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7. On sheet 7, remove extraneous details and add all construction details necessary to construct the proposed improvements including but not limited to a bollard mounted sign detail, add a note to the parking sign detail to specify a minimum mounting height of 7’, and revise the handicapped parking detail to relocate the sign to a point adjacent to the curb or in back of the sidewalk.
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SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL APPLICATION – 164 School Street, Modification request to relocate previously approved required parking spaces associated with 16,975 square foot addition to an existing manufacturing facility.
Applicant: Corneau Limited Partnership
Upon a motion by Tom Fitzgerald, seconded by Travis Simpson, the Commission Voted
(5-0) to Approve the above Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Application with the following conditions:
- Final plans are to be signed and stamped by the Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Architect licensed in the state of Connecticut who is responsible for the work.
- Provide separate plans for each application and label them accordingly.
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It was the consensus of the commission after reviewing the proposed draft Business Six
(B-6) regulations to have staff proceed with a formal application for a text amendment, zoning map amendment and generalized land use map amendment.
Medical Marijuana
Staff presented a draft copy of regulations for medical marijuana. It was the consensus of the Commission to discuss this issue again at the September 12, 2012 meeting.
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August 8, 2012
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Bond Reduction – Subdivision on Long Hill Street three lots–
Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted
(5-0) to Approve the above bond reduction of $4,732.00 with a remaining balance of $2,840.00.
Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by John Ryan, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas Fitzgerald; Acting Secretary
Town Planning & Zoning Commission